Carbon Capture Utilization And Storage (CCUS)

How Does Carbon Capture and Utilization Work?


Looking at the root cause of the conditions of the present atmosphere in terms of degradation and pollution, it is quite evident that fossil fuel combustion has raised the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere hence a need for efficient carbon control measures. 


  • Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage technology have been considered as priority technology in fighting climate change given that the technology deals with capturing of carbon dioxide emissions in industries.
  • CCUS entails capturing CO2 emissions from power plants, industries and from the atmosphere. 
  • The captured CO2 is then used in a number of uses or injected back to the ground in order not to be released to the environment. 


  • Some of the carbon capture technologies are post combustion, pre combustion, oxy fuel combustion and Direct Air Capture. 
  • Some of the uses of CO2 are as follows, Chemical production, Fuels, Structural Materials & Construction, and in the recovery of oil among others. 
  • Carbon capture, storage entails the provision of CO2 into suitable geological structures including the following; depleted oil and gas reservoirs, saline formations and coal beds. 


  • CCUS can greatly reduce CO2 emissions across a multitude of sectors and hence be used in the fight against climate change. 
  • It also can generate new kinds of revenues through the usage of captured CO2. 
  • CCUS has the potential of assisting in the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions for a nation going net-zero while supporting a low-carbon economy. 


  • Helps to decrease quantities of CO2 emission and combat climate change. 
  • CO2 utilisation as a strategy is designed to generate new sources of income. 
  • Encourages the low-carbon economy and approaches for getting to net-zero emissions. 
  • Enhance energy security and a way out of the reliance on oil and gases.


  • It should be noted that CCUS technology is expensive about which the following can be said: 
  • Penalty of separating and compressing CO2 
  • Availability and utilisation of CCUS technologies: lack of scalability and regional deployment 
  • The general public perception and acceptance of arthritis have been an issue of major concern. 


  • Lowering the cost and increasing the performance of the CCUS technologies 
  • Extending the deployment levels and raising the adoption figures 
  • Here are the ways to overcome perception and acceptance barriers: 
  • Proper containment and controlling of CO2 

 Conclusion/Way Forward

  • The application of carbon capture utilisation and storage or CCUS is very important in fighting climate change and in realising other net zero ambitions. 
  • More studies on the topic and innovations have to be carried out in order to increase effectiveness and decrease expenses. 
  • This means that practitioners as well as public officials and governments themselves need to step up the efforts of increasing deployment and at the same time work on overcoming perceived barriers. 
  • The use of CCUS can be equally important in enforcing a low-carbon economy, and hence; its development and implementation should be a priority.

SourcePress Information Bureau

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