India needs to develop a care ecosystem

India needs to develop a care ecosystem - Gokulam Seek IAS Academy


  • The economic revolution together with the high rates of urbanisation have provoked the essential shift in the structure of the population of India. 
  • It is possible to interpret the “care ecosystem” as a system of services, sources and facilities which would help families and individuals to address the needs of the family members who require a lot of care and, at the same time, serve the needs of the caregivers. 

Why does India need a care ecosystem? 

  • As pointed out in the United Nations report, in the year 2030, over 60 years of age people in India would be 143 million and so they must be given proper care. 
  • It is also evidenced by a rise in employment of women hence there is provision of babysitting services and care of the elderly. 
  • Globalisation of human communities has led to the formation of nuclear families because care services from outside are needed. 

 Components of a care ecosystem:Supporting Structures 

  • Child care services such as after-school care, creches, and any other form of child care that is cheap and qualitative. 
  • Concerning elderly, there are home based care, adult daycare and institutional care. 
  • Entities and institutions of support for the disability. 
  • Details regarding the availability of affordable services in the following;mental health and support groups. 
  • Home services intended to improve the individual and collective participation in community and social life. 

Benefits of a care ecosystem:The notion of a ‘care ecosystem’ 

  • The concern for the well being of the working people in how they still work as employees and end up being caretakers. 
  • Nutrition for the physical and the other related aspects including the social and psychological factors. 
  • Establishment of new employment and launching new job opportunities and, in general, the stimulation of economic functions in local perspectives. 

 Challenges and recommendations

  • Raising the consciousness of the people and placing the services within the health care facilities on the spotlight. 
  • Increasing and diversifying care services in order to make care services affordable to earn low income earners via subsidising. 
  • Creating fundamental assumptions by which the care service providers should embark on the provision of the service. 
  • The other is the advancement of partners between the government and other players and the non governmental organisations. 


  • Hence relevant knowledge about the direction of the care ecosystem in India is pivotal for its further socio economic evolution and citizens’ wellbeing. 
  • The values passed under such classes as caring assets and service will help and enable the elderly population, working women and disabled persons in the Indian society to boost the growth of the societies.

Source: The Hindu

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