Important Environmental Acts in India

Important Environmental Acts in India

Constitution of India under Part IV (Art 48A-Directive Principles of State Policies)

Constitution of India under Part IVA (Art 51A-Fundamental Duties).

  1. Indian Forests Act 1927.
  2. ⁠Mining and Mineral Development Regulation Act 1957.
  3. Prevention of cruelty to animals 1960.
  4. Wildlife protection act 1972.
  5. ⁠Water (prevention and control of pollution) act 1974.
  6. Forest Conservation Act 1980.
  7. Air(prevention and control of pollution) act 1981.
  8. Environment Protection Act 1986.
  9. Biological Diversity Act 2002.
  10. Scheduled Tribes and other traditional forest dwellers (recognition of rights) act 2006.