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Tag: GS Paper III
Q. Evaluate the impact of the Kargil War on India’s defense policies and military modernization efforts. (10 Marks, 150 Words)
Answer Published Core Demand of the Question Evaluate the impact of the Kargil War on India’s defense policies. Highlight the impact of the Kargil War on India’s military modernization efforts. Answer: The Kargil War, fought between India and Pakistan in 1999, was a significant conflict characterised Read More …
Q. “Local job reservation policies implemented by various states have sparked debates on federalism and economic disparities. Critically examine the causes and implications of such policies, and suggest measures to address regional aspirations while maintaining national unity. (15 Marks, 250 Words)
Answer Published Core Demand of the Question Discuss the recent implementation of local job reservation policies by various states in India, focusing on the debates around federalism and the implications for economic disparities. Examine the causes of local job reservation Read More …
Q. “In the context of developing nations, climate adaptation strategies may offer more immediate benefits than mitigation efforts.” Critically examine. (15 Marks, 250 Words)
Answer Published Core Demand of the Question: Examine the immediate benefits offered by climate adaptation strategies than mitigation efforts in the context of developing nations. Examine the shortcomings of climate adaptation strategies in offering benefits in the context of developing Read More …
Q. Analyze the key components of the Union Budget and discuss how each component influences the overall economic policy of the government. (15 marks, 250 words)
Answer Published Core Demand of the Question: Analyse the key components of the Union Budget. Discuss how each component influences the overall economic policy of the government. Answer: The Union Budget is an annual financial statement presented by the Government of India, detailing its revenue and expenditure strategy for Read More …
Q. With the world experiencing a surge in extreme weather events, the insurance industry needs to enhance disaster resilience by parametric insurance coverage. Discuss. (10 Marks, 150 Words)
Answer Published Core Demand of the Question: Highlight the surge in extreme weather events being experienced by the world. Discuss the need to enhance disaster resilience by parametric insurance coverage for the insurance industry. Answer: With the world experiencing a Read More …
Q. “Post-harvest losses continue to be a significant challenge for India’s agricultural sector. Analyze the economic and social implications of these losses and suggest comprehensive measures to address this issue while considering the diverse agro-climatic conditions across the country.” (15 Marks, 250 Words)
Answer Published Core Demand of the Question: Analyse the economic and social implications of these losses. Suggest comprehensive measures to address this issue while considering the diverse agro-climatic conditions across the country. Answer: India, the second-largest agricultural producer globally, faces significant challenges Read More …
Q. Assess the arguments for and against state-imposed domicile reservations in private employment in India. What are the key considerations that policymakers should take into account when addressing these issues? (15 Marks, 250 Words)
Answer Published Core Demand of the Question Assess the arguments supporting state-imposed domicile reservations in private employment in India. Highlight the arguments opposing state-imposed domicile reservations in private employment in India. Shed light on the key considerations that policymakers should Read More …
Q. Discuss the interrelationship between culture and economy. How does this synergy contribute to sustainable economic progress? (10 Marks, 150 Words)
Answer Published Core Demand of the Question Discuss the interrelationship between culture and economy. Explain how this synergy contributes to sustainable economic progress. Answer: The interplay between culture and economy is crucial for societal development and sustainable economic growth. Culture, encompassing community values, traditions, and artistic Read More …
Q. The phenomenon of ‘Urban Naxalism’ has gained attention in recent years, sparking debates on internal security and civil liberties. Examine the socio- economic factors contributing to this issue and evaluate the effectiveness of current government strategies in addressing it. (15 Marks, 250 Words)
Answer Published Core Demand of the Question Examine the socio- economic factors contributing to the issue of Urban Naxalism. Evaluate the effectiveness of current government strategies in addressing Urban Naxalism. Answer: The term “Urban Naxalism” is broadly used to describe individuals in Read More …