Q. India and Nepal share a unique relationship characterized by open borders and cultural ties, yet recent years have seen increasing tensions. Critically examine the underlying causes of these tensions. (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Answer Published Core Demand of the Question Discuss the unique relationship of India and Nepal characterised by open borders and cultural ties. Examine the causes of tensions between the countries in recent years. Suggest a suitable way forward. Answer: India Read More …

Q. China’s economic trajectory and geopolitical aspirations have significant implications for India and the global order. Discuss how India should strategically position itself to address the challenges and opportunities arising from these developments. (15 Marks, 250 Words)

Core Demand of the Question: Discuss how India should strategically position itself to tackle the challenges arising from China’s economic trajectory and geopolitical ambitions. Explore the opportunities that India’s strategic positioning can leverage from China’s economic trajectory and geopolitical ambitions. Read More …