The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission conducts the Group I examination process every year for the recruitment of eligible candidates for various posts under the Group I services of the government of Tamil Nadu. The Group I services include posts like Deputy Collector, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Assistant Commissioner for Taxes, Deputy registrar co-operative services, Assistant Director of Rural development and so on. The recruitment process consists of three stages.
Stages of Group I Recruitment Process:
- Preliminary Examination – 200 MCQ type questions scored out of 300 marks with a 3-hour limit.
- Main Examination – consists of 3 descriptive type papers with time a constraint of 3 hours for each paper scored out of 250 marks each.
- Personality Test – The personality of the candidate is put to test in an interview process being evaluated out of 100 marks.
The final merit list is prepared by taking into account the marks obtained by the candidates in the Main Examination and interview process i.e. a total of 850 marks. The syllabus for the Recruitment process can be broadly categorized into General Studies and Aptitude & mental ability (SSLC Standard).
The general Studies aspect of the examination consists of topics from:
- General Science
- Current affairs
- History & culture of India
- Indian Geography
- Indian Polity
- Indian Economy
- Indian National movement
- Development administration of Tamil Nadu
- History, Culture, Heritage & Socio-political movements in Tamil Nadu
The process of preparation for the examination starts with the candidate analyzing the previous year’s question papers and the syllabus of the exams. It is followed by developing clarity on the static content of the syllabus by reading and revising the correct learning material while developing an intricate understanding of the current developments in the society. The next part of the preparation consists of an evaluation of the learning process through a series of tests and honing one’s answer writing skills in view of Preliminary and Main Examinations. The final Process involves the candidate preparing for the Interview round through guidance programs and mock interviews.
We at Aspirant IAS Academy with our Prelims cum Mains Group I program intend to take our aspirants through every stage of this process by providing the right knowledge, training and evaluation systems for the aspirants to crack the entire process in the first attempt.