Daily Current Affairs for 27 May 2023


Centre to Launch New ₹75 Coin to Mark New Parliament Inauguration

  • The Ministry of Finance has announced the launch of a special ₹75 coin to commemorate the inauguration of India’s new parliament building.
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi will unveil the coin on Sunday, 28 May, coinciding with the celebration of India’s 75 years of independence

Indian Govt Introduce 30% Subsidy for Sustainable Shipping Construction

  • The Indian governmenthas introduced a series of measures aimed at promoting the adoption of environmentally friendly technology in the shipping sector.
  • These initiatives include offering financial assistance and focusing on upgrading ports.
  • The government’s announcement was made during a two-day conference organized by the Ministry of Ports, Shipping & Waterways (MoPSW) following their earlier plan to develop hydrogen ports in India

PM Modi Announced India to Open New Consulate in Brisbane

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi informed that a new consulate would be constructed in Brisbane during his address at the Community Event in Sydney.
  • He announced that India will establish a new consulate in Brisbane, Australia which aims to fulfill a long-standing demand of the Indian diaspora in Australia.
  •  It was announced during the address of Narendra Modi at a packed stadium at Sydney’s Qudos Bank Arena which was attended by more than 21,000 people across Australia along with the Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese


WMO Approves Global Tracker for Greenhouse Gas Emissions

  • The World Meteorological Congress has made a groundbreaking decision to approve a new greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring initiative, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
  • This initiative aims to support urgent action in reducing heat-trapping gases that contribute to rising global temperatures.
  • The newly established Global Greenhouse GasWatch will address critical information gaps, integrating various observing systems, modeling capabilities, and data assimilation under one comprehensive framework.
  • The unanimous support from WMO’s 193 members highlights the growing importance of greenhouse gas monitoring and the need to strengthen the scientific foundation for climate change mitigation efforts

Ireland Set to Implement Alcohol Health Warnings, Leading Global Efforts

  • Irelandis on track to become the first country to enforce mandatory health advisories on alcohol products.
  • The Irish Ministerfor Health, Stephen Donnelly, has approved the new policy, which will be implemented starting from May 22, 2026.
  •  This three-year period aims to allow businesses enough time to adjust to the new public health guidelines


HP Government Aims to Formulate Green Hydrogen Policy

  • Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu has informed that a ‘Green Hydrogen’ policywould be formulated to promote the use of green hydrogen and establish the state as a leading hub for its production.
  • Renewable energy resources, including ample sunlight, water, and wind, make the state an ideal location for generating green hydrogen.
  • The primary objective of the Green Hydrogen Policy is to attract investments in large-scale renewable energy projects, ensuring a consistent and sustainable supply of green electricity for electrolysis


NTCA Constitutes New Committee to Oversee Cheetah Project

  • National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) has established an 11-member Cheetah Project Steering Committee under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, and Rajesh Gopal, secretary general of Global Tiger Forum, has been appointed as its chairman.
  • The decision was taken after six cheetahs, who were brought as part of the translocation project, died in the last two months.
  • The other 10 members include RN Mehrotra, former principal chief conservator of forest of Rajasthan; PR Sinha, former director of the Wildlife Institute of India; HS Negi, former APCCF, Wildlife; and PK Malik, former faculty at WII.


AIRAWAT at 75th Position in Top 500 Global Supercomputing List

  • India has achieved a significant milestone in the realm of technology with its AI supercomputer ‘AIRAWAT’ securing the 75th position in the prestigious Top 500 Global Supercomputing List.
  • This feat was announced during the 61st edition of the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC 2023) held in Germany.
  • Spearheaded by the Government of India’s National Program on AI, ‘AIRAWAT’ at C-DAC Pune is propelling India to the forefront of AI supercomputing nations worldwide
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