G20 Tourism Ministers’ Meet

Context: Recently, the G20 Tourism Ministers Meeting successfully ended in Goa in which the Goa Roadmap and Action Plan was adopted. Decisions taken at the meeting:
  • The two key deliverables of the Tourism Working Group are GOA Roadmap for tourism as a vehicle for achieving sustainable development goals and G20 Tourism Ministers’ Declaration.
  • Goa Roadmap and Action Plan: Under it, Five interrelated key priorities of the G20 Tourism track were endorsed by all G20 countries for achieving sustainable, resilient and inclusive tourism.
  •  5 Priorities:
    • Green Tourism
    • Digitalization
    • Skills
    • Tourism MSMEs
    • Destination Management
  • G20 Tourism and SDG online dashboard will be set up to showcase best practices and case studies of G20 members for achieving progress towards SDGs.
Additional Information  About G20:
  • The Group of Twenty (G20) is the premier forum for international economic cooperation.
  • It plays an important role in shaping and strengthening global architecture and governance on all major international economic issues.
  • Inception of G20: The G20 was founded in 1999 after the Asian financial crisis as a forum for the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to discuss global economic and financial issues.
  • Elevation to Leader’s Level:
    1. The G20 was upgraded to the level of Heads of State/Government in the wake of the global economic and financial crisis of 2007.
    2. In 2009, was designated the “premier forum for international economic cooperation”.
  • Annual Summit: 
    • The G20 Summit is held annually, under the leadership of a rotating Presidency.
    • The G20 Presidency steers the G20 agenda for one year and hosts the Summit.
    • The G20 consists of two parallel tracks: the Finance Track and the Sherpa Track.
      • Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors lead the Finance Track while Sherpas lead the Sherpa Track after Finance Track.
  • Troika: 
    • The Group does not have a permanent secretariat.
    • The Presidency is supported by the Troika – previous, current and incoming Presidency.
    • During India’s Presidency, the troika will comprise Indonesia, India and Brazil, respectively.
 News Source: pib
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