Recently, the Prime Minister chaired the meeting of the 42nd edition of PRAGATI, to review implementation of projects in the country.
About PRAGATI (Pro-Active Governance And Timely Implementation):
- It is the ICT-based multi-modal platform for Pro-Active Governance and Timely Implementation, involving Centre and State governments.
- It is a three-tier system (PMO, Union Government Secretaries, and Chief Secretaries of the States).
- The system has been designed in-house by the PMO team with the help of National Informatics Center (NIC).
- As the name suggests, it will bring a culture of Pro-Active Governance and Timely Implementation.
- It is also a robust system for bringing e-transparency and e-accountability with real-time presence and exchange among the key stakeholders.
- To address common man’s grievances
- To monitor and review important programmes and projects of the Government of India as well as projects flagged by State Governments.
- Incorporates latest technologies:
- Digital data management
- Video-conferencing
- Geo-spatial technology
- Enables cooperative federalism:
- It brings on one stage the Secretaries of Government of India and the Chief Secretaries of the States.
- Prime Minister holds a monthly programme where interacts with the Government of India Secretaries, and Chief Secretaries through Video-conferencing enabled by data and geo-informatics visuals.
- Issues to be flagged before the PM are picked up from the available database regarding Public Grievances, on-going Programmes and pending Projects.
- The system will strengthen and re-engineer the databases of the CPGRAMS for grievances, Project Monitoring Group (PMG) and the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.
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